Hacer retroceder a la diabetes con una dieta basada en plantas

En los pasajes de abajo que son del libro Comer para no morir, Dr. Michael Greger explica como se puede revertir diabetes del tipo 2 con una alimentación basada en plantas. Hace unos años, Millan, una de las integrantes de la comunidad de <NutritionFacts.org>, tuvo la amabilidad de compartir su historia conmigo. Cuando tenía treinta años, … Read more

Research: How to tell fact from fiction — Excerpt

In the following excerpt from Dr. Garth Davis’s book Proteinaholic he explains how to recognize valid research and manipulated/biased/sponsored research. Research Truth and BS: How to Speak Science In Chapter 3, I told you about my rapid transformation from sick, overweight, and sluggish patient to healthy, lean, energetic triathlete. Had I been an accountant, a bricklayer, … Read more

The happiness project — Summary

Learn how to start your own journey towards happiness What is the greatest good in life? For thousands of years, philosophers and other intellectuals have tackled this question. Most of them, including Aristotle, declared that happiness was the summum bonum, that it is the sense and purpose of the entire human existence. Gretchen Rubin, the … Read more

What is inner contentment ? — Book Excerpt

In this excerpt from The Art of Happiness the Dalai Lama explains the difference between beneficial and less beneficial desires. Crossing the hotel parking lot on my way to meet with the Dalai Lama one afternoon, I stopped to admire a brand-new Toyota Land Cruiser, the type of car I had been wanting for a … Read more

My euro trip from the south to the north

First destiny, Milan I wasn’t so interested in visiting this city but my travel partner chose this city as the first destiny. After all, I liked the city, it has a lot of very beautiful architecture. The city expresses a romantic vintage ambient. The street running is from 1890 or something and has incandescent light … Read more

How to grow in a relationship

In this post, I want to comment on Eli J. Finkel’s article How to Fix the Person You Love. I’ll just change the focus and use the title, how to grow in a Relationship. Eli elaborates on two different types of relationships. The first one represents a partner which makes us feel loved and valued, … Read more

No, no debes consumir menos carbohidratos — Desglosando a PURE

Después de ser bloqueado de algunas páginas de “fitness y salud” en las redes sociales al desenmascarar sus conclusiones sobre el reciente estudio PURE (Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology), me vi obligado a hacer este post. Algunos de los expertos en Facebook no dejaron pasar la oportunidad para proclamar que PURE asocia a dietas altas … Read more

The Blue Zones — Book Summary

Learn how to live a long, healthy life Foreword by Karl: Did you ever feel discouraged about the apparently contradictory information about nutritional science out there? The media seems to catch every opportunity to make yet another sensational headline with diets like the Paleo diet, the Ketogenic diet, low carb diets, high carb low-fat diets, … Read more

Do the best you can and you will feel good even if you fail — Total Recall Book Excerpt

In this excerpt from the book Total Recall, Arnold made me think with a brilliant statement. He exemplifies with his own experience that we feel bad after failure, not due to the failure, but because we haven’t done everything we could to get a successful outcome. “That afternoon at the gym, I thought more about my loss … Read more

The Power in Plants — Finding Ultra Book Excerpt

The following excerpt is from the book Finding Ultra. MY SECRET WEAPON Power in Plants It’s 1984, a Tuesday, 7:15 A.M., and two high school students stand in line at Montgomery Donuts, out Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda, Maryland. Marking time, my swimming buddy Brian Nicosia and I consider the merits of ordering chocolate-covered custard … Read more

Michael Greger: Cómo diseñar un estudio engañoso para demostrar que una dieta no tiene efecto

Escrito por Michael Greger MD FACLM en 29 de agosto de 2017 Artículo original. Traducido por Karl Niebuhr (Karlbooklover.com) Un estudio de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte no encontró asociación entre la ingesta de fibra dietética y la diverticulosis. Compararon aquellos que comieron la cantidadmayor de fibra, 25 gramos, con personas que comieron cantidades tres veces más bajas, solamente 8 … Read more

Es mejor carne en “moderación” o no comer carne en absoluto?

La mayoría de personas tienen esta noción de “todo en moderación” cuando de alimentación se trata, es lo más sano. Ese argumento no hace mas sentido que decir que fumar en moderación es sano. Hay cosas que no son sanas por más que se consuman en moderación incluso si formen parte de la dieta estándar … Read more

The food industry vs public health — Book Excerpt from The healthiest Diet on the Planet

The following excerpt is from Dr. McDougall’s latest book, The healthiest Diet on the Planet. Damned lies harm the public and planet Earth. In June 2015, the Journal of the American Medical Association, in a reckless opinion piece, called for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) … Read more