We learn faster by linking information

Ever since I learned complex concepts, I noticed a trend. Whenever my grasp of the basics was solid, or I could relate the new information to already known concepts, my learning and retention were much better. It always imagined that the brain is a type of data grid where new concepts have to be linked … Read more

Why you should personalize your learning

I’m one of those individuals who often are uncomfortable and bored in traditional educational settings. I always learned better and had more fun doing it, when reading a book. Except when I got a very enthusiastic teacher, perhaps that’s one reason why I like MOOC’s so much, they tend to be made by teachers who … Read more

The logarithmic learning curve, why its possible to be good at many things

I’m always getting a kick out of learning something entirely new. Perhaps that’s why I like to read about things outside of my expertise. Conceivably that preference of mine has something to do with the fact that we learn new skills in a logarithmic time curve as I learned in this TEDx talk. The logarithmic … Read more

Bitcoin para dummies, una guía simple

Cansado de pagar cargos bancarios, de falta de privacidad y flexibilidad? Por qué las criptomonedas son importantes y útiles? En mi opinion las criptomonedas juegan un rol muy importante en el libre comercio y la privacidad. Las criptomonedas no están bajo la regulación de ningún ente centralizado y por lo tanto, son casi immunes a … Read more

Optimize your learning — advanced learning tips by Jim Kwik

Optimize your learning — advanced learning tips by Jim Kwik “Knowledge is only potential power; it becomes power when we act on it.” I made a short summary of Jim Kwik’s best tips about boosting brainpower and optimize learning. The most important points can be remembered easily by the acronym FAST. Fast stands for: F Forget A Active S State … Read more

Cómo aplicar al Ayuno Intermitente

En esta guía super corta no entraré en la ciencia del ayuno intermitente. Si quieres aprender más sobre los beneficios de la salud, puedes leer mi post anterior en español o mi post mas reciente en inglés sobre uno de los mejores libros del ayuno intermitente. Este es mi versión favorita del Ayuno Intermitente. Karl’s … Read more