Neuro-Associative Conditioning

Today I’ll finally share the gist of Neuro-Associative Conditioning or NAC. NAC is a form of (re) programming habits. I learned about NAC in Tony Robbin’s Personal Power ll which according to Wikipedia “is the best-selling personal improvement program of all time with more than 35 million tapes distributed worldwide.“ The audio program is really … Read more


Una de mis recetas favoritas es el pan naan que tiene su origen en el medio oriente. Se prepara en el sartén, como un panqueque. Es mucho más rico que pan al horno. Y sobre todo, es fácil de preparar. Primero preparo 4 partes de harina blanca con 1 parte de harina de lino y … Read more

A simple technique to make change

Have you ever read a book that gave you the impression that the author held nothing back? That she gave her all? That’s how I felt while listening to Tony Robbins’ Personal Power. I listened to his program because I felt that there was something important to learn from Tony for me. My instinct turned … Read more

A few lessons from — The Oxygen Advantage

I picked up this book while reading about the Wim Hof method in the book What doesn’t kill us. This book is a great complement if you are a practitioner, or simply interested in the Wim Hof breathing technique. Patrick McKeown, the author of this book, has investigated breathing and its role in people’s health, … Read more

Hacking Willpower, Optimizing the Defaults

A while back, all the craze about productivity seemed to reside on Willpower. There are several good books about that topic. But what if willpower is overrated? I started to think more about the alternative when I saw a video about Optimizing the defaults. But actually, where I learned about this principle for the first … Read more

Tim Ferris on how to find a Mentor

In a recent Tea Time with Tim, he got asked how to find a Mentor. I made some notes because his advice was the best I’ve encountered on this. First, let’s re-frame the question “The question is “How can I encourage people I aspire to be like, who are 10, 20, 30 years ahead of … Read more

Patient Urgency — Excerpt from The Self-made Billionaire Effect

Last time we read about Empathetic Imagination, one of the defining characteristics of self-made Billionaires. Another characteristic is Patient Urgency. It means feeling an urgency to have everything in place at the right time and sustaining that urgency during prolonged periods of time. The Self-made Billionaire Effect explains. They always say time changes things, but … Read more

Be willing to be lucky

One remark particularly stuck in my head today while reading When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead. Thus, the title of this post. I began to look for work a few months after I started taking classes. The business side of entertainment–that’s where I was heading as far back as the family trip to … Read more

Si tu empleador no te permite crecer, renuncia

Es fácil enfocarse sólo en la recompensa monetaria en los laburos. Dependiendo en si estas empezando recién o si tienes experiencia, es decir junior/senior, la remuneración debería tener una importancia diferente. Cuando recién empiezas y después de decidir lo que quieres hacer, deberías enfocarte netamente aprender. Hazte la pregunta: Con cual empresa/organización/emprendimiento aprenderé más? Lo … Read more

What to do if you feel stagnant — Tim Ferris’ Podcast

I want to share this gold nugget from the Tim Ferris podcast. The episode is about Q&A and the question someone asks Tim is if he has ever felt like he was stagnant. Tim’s response from the transcript:Tim Ferriss: I’ve had that feeling at many points in my life. So the first thing I would … Read more