Dual mindsets of Billionaires — Book Excerpt from The Self-made Billionaire Effect

This is a book excerpt from the book The Self-made Billionaire Effect by John Sviokla. The book caught my attention first when I saw an interview with Tai Lopez and GaryVee. Tai mentioned this book when Gary explained how he lives by seemingly contradictory principles like patience and an urgent drive to act. Being egotistical … Read more

A beautiful example of how mindfulness can change the mind — Book excerpt from Mindsight

I’m currently reading three books in parallel, Mindsight, Buddha’s brain and The Buddha walks into a bar. All three books show how we can rewire our brain with practice although, from slightly different angles. That’s what makes it so interesting to read them at the same time. Yesterday I read a few chapters of Mindsight in … Read more

Using the path of least resistance to build new habits — Excerpt from The Happiness Advantage

In the following paragraphs, Shawn Achor explains how he managed to form a new daily habit by planning ahead and making it easier for him to play his guitar every day. THE 20-SECOND RULE How to Turn Bad Habits into Good Ones by Minimizing Barriers to ChangeD uring one of the first trainings I ever … Read more

Warren Buffett explains the ideal business

“That year, 15,000 people came to Omaha’s Woodstock for Capitalists. Buffett’s $36 billion fortune was once again exceeded only by Bill Gates’s. He had bounced back, almost to the top of the heap. “What is the ideal business?” a shareholder asked when the questions began. “The ideal business is one that earns very high returns … Read more

Why a trade deficit is bad

“Buffett had written an article for Fortune, “Why I’m Down On the Dollar,”20 in which he explained that he had made significant investments in foreign currencies out of a belief that the dollar would decline in value. The reason was something called the trade deficit: Americans were buying more from other countries than they were … Read more

Investing rule number one, don’t lose money

This excerpt from the book Snowball explains why taking debt to make up losses is tempting but not good. “The advent of the Bloomberg terminal, symbol of the new computerized trading, mirrored the ongoing struggle over Salomon’s identity, which continued within the firm. Its laggard businesses had never gotten back on their feet. In 1994, … Read more

Derivatives explained

Excerpt from the book The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life “At the time that Buffett invested in Salomon, the market was near a breaking point. In his shareholder letter the previous March, he had said that money managers were so hyperkinetic they made “whirling dervishes appear sedated.” He didn’t have a partnership to … Read more

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger vs modern portfolio theory

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger explain why volatility does not equal risk. This reasoning applies beautifully to cryptocurrency investing, in my opinion. Another important lesson is to not put too much trust in charts and statistics but rather apply, as Charlie calls it, “enlightened common sense.” “Buffett noted with fascination that what is taught about … Read more

Meditation: How to set the right expectations – Excerpt

Excerpt from Your 3 best superpowers “HAVE REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS The next step in preparing to successfully meditate is to have realistic, grounded expectations of your practice before you begin. When I began learning to play the piano (which is a wonderful form of meditation, by the way), I was very enthusiastic. Learning scales was easy, … Read more

Research: How to tell fact from fiction — Excerpt

In the following excerpt from Dr. Garth Davis’s book Proteinaholic he explains how to recognize valid research and manipulated/biased/sponsored research. Research Truth and BS: How to Speak Science In Chapter 3, I told you about my rapid transformation from sick, overweight, and sluggish patient to healthy, lean, energetic triathlete. Had I been an accountant, a bricklayer, … Read more

What is inner contentment ? — Book Excerpt

In this excerpt from The Art of Happiness the Dalai Lama explains the difference between beneficial and less beneficial desires. Crossing the hotel parking lot on my way to meet with the Dalai Lama one afternoon, I stopped to admire a brand-new Toyota Land Cruiser, the type of car I had been wanting for a … Read more