Lazy meditation

Sometimes my meditation consists of just sitting and thinking, often while listening to music. Yes meditating with music is awesome, heck, I can meditate even with Heavy Metal. This is unlike most people think about meditation, most think about it as calming thoughts, and that is certainly a byproduct of this activity too, but not … Read more

GaryVee on meditation

With the level of self-awareness, confidence, kindness, and practicality of Gary Vaynerchuk exudes, and his great ability to teach, have made me a big fan of him. I absorb his content like a sponge. But how did he become that way? He says that he got lucky and has good DNA. Besides that, he put … Read more

A beautiful example of how mindfulness can change the mind — Book excerpt from Mindsight

I’m currently reading three books in parallel, Mindsight, Buddha’s brain and The Buddha walks into a bar. All three books show how we can rewire our brain with practice although, from slightly different angles. That’s what makes it so interesting to read them at the same time. Yesterday I read a few chapters of Mindsight in … Read more

Cómo meditar

Leí muchos libros sobre meditación y hasta hice un curso de Mindfulness. Aparte de Mindfulness, también practiqué mantra meditation y muchas meditaciones guiadas. Con el tiempo refiné mi proceso y aprendí algunas cosas muy útiles que quiero compartir. El tipo de meditación que más me gusta hasta ahora es el Mindfulness y además me gusta ser … Read more

Meditation: How to set the right expectations – Excerpt

Excerpt from Your 3 best superpowers “HAVE REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS The next step in preparing to successfully meditate is to have realistic, grounded expectations of your practice before you begin. When I began learning to play the piano (which is a wonderful form of meditation, by the way), I was very enthusiastic. Learning scales was easy, … Read more

The happiness project — Summary

Learn how to start your own journey towards happiness What is the greatest good in life? For thousands of years, philosophers and other intellectuals have tackled this question. Most of them, including Aristotle, declared that happiness was the summum bonum, that it is the sense and purpose of the entire human existence. Gretchen Rubin, the … Read more

How Buddhism relates to Science

📚 Happiness | Science | Meditation| Buddhism Excerpt From: Dalai Lama. “The Art of Happiness.” The key question is: Does Buddhism have anything to contribute to the scientific investigation of happiness? In considering this question, it is important to understand that Buddhism is not a faith-based system in the traditional sense. In fact, when the … Read more

10% Happier — key concepts

Learn how to become happier and more successful through meditation After suffering a panic attack, Dan Harris began a journey to search for a solution. His search eventually led him to meditation. In this book, the author tells how meditation helped him calm down his inner narrator which was the originator of his crisis, and how … Read more

Positivity — Summary

Learn how positive emotions lead to more success and a more fulfilled life Many books are written about the power of positivity, but many people don’t know that it is backed up by science. Positive emotions make us smarter and more successful and we can become happier just by being more grateful. Psychologists have shown that … Read more